ad Dei GloriamMinistries

Home > Poetry > And Then, I Knew

And Then, I Knew by Bill Childers

And Then, I Knew

It was a crowded street,
Multitudes to pass or greet;
Perhaps, perchance, a few to meet...
And, I did not recognize Him!

There lifted a cry of the horde,
Lives slashed and gored,
Minds boggled where life was stored...
And, I did not recognize Him!

Violins smashed the air,
Bombarding the waiting ear,
Setting free the pausing tear...
And, I did not recognize Him!

Love reached the desperate soul,
Long since forsaken being whole,
Or reaching the early-set goal...
And, I did not recognize Him!

Peace invaded the struggling life,
Sight released the fearful knife,
Seen as release from threatening strife...
And, I did not recognize Him!

Ah, but then, one day,
I chanced to stray
Where there was naught but a lighted way...
And then, I knew... 'twas Him!

Bill Childers
Copyright : December 2003

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