Biblical and Theological DictionaryH - K
The spread, acceptance and synchronization of the Greek philosophy, culture and worldview to the Jews and their neighbors. Jews who accepted this lifestyle were referred to as Hellenized Jews or Hellenists.
The practice, discipline and rules of Bible interpretation.
Holy Spirit
The third Person of the Trinity through whom God acts, reveals His will, convicts us of sin, reveals the saving work of Christ, empowers us (thru spiritual gifts) for service, and more. He is one in nature with, and equal in all other attributes with God the Father and God the Son.
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The practice of worshiping any created object, image or idea instead of the true God. Placing equal or greater priority, importance, reverence, or honor on anything other than God is also considered idolatry.
Theological term referring to the indwelling of God within the world and its processes (Ps 139) and the order of nature reveals His handiwork (Ps 19). This attribute must be balanced with His transcendence and not confused with Pantheism.
Attribute of God referring to His freedom from limitation of space, from Latin immensitas Dei (immeasurability of God). We can't go anywhere that God is not there (Jer 23:24, Ps 139:7-12).
Attribute of God referring to His freedom from change and divine constancy.
Theological view of God stating that due to His immutability, He is not affected by actions that take place in the world, particularly with regard to pain and suffering. This is not to say that He doesn't care. God is benevolent toward us (Rom 8:28), but is not acted on by external agents.
The doctrine that Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, became a human being (Latin literally "in flesh") while also maintaining His divine and sinless nature.
(1) The work of the ascended and glorified Christ, praying and pleading on our behalf at the right hand of God (Rom 8:34, Heb 7:25). (2) The work of the Holy Spirit, helping us to pray (Rom 8:26-27). (3) Prayer by Christians on behalf of others (1Tim 2:1).
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The second Person of the Trinity, the Son of God or God the Son, the Christ or Messiah, Savior of the world (Titus 2:13-14). He was fully human and fully God (Col 2:9). He was born of a virgin, lived a perfectly sinless life, died in our place to pay the penalty of sin, was physically resurrected from the dead, ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father making intercession for us.
The legal act by which God declares us "not guilty" of our sins, and imputes (credits) to us the righteousness of Christ (2Cor 5:21, Rom 5:18-19). This is a free gift by the grace of God and received through faith (Eph 2:8-9).
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