The Gift of a Crown by Bill Childers
Upon returning from the Navy in 1982, I joined the staff of the First United Methodist Church of Dallas. It was (and still is) a very large staff... and church, yet it was a productive and busy staff. I soon found out just how busy (average work week of 70 hours), but I loved it, along with the people and the ministry. I didn't know that I could or would get right back to my love of writing, especially poetry. That first Christmas, the pastor decided to fashion a special booklet for the people, created by the people. It was beautifully done, with many members providing meaningful submissions which ultimately made up this creation. The following poem was my contribution to this publication.
The Gift of a Crown
The Father knew us when He sent the Christ‑child down.
He knew our weak, anguished plight... He offered us a crown.
But, the crown could not come in a plain, ordinary way,
He created a master potter to fashion the temporal clay.
The Lord searched the land, hills and valleys, a right vessel to find,
He knew anything less would destroy this gift to humankind.
His gaze came to rest on this maiden fair... the search was now complete,
And, she was proclaimed to bear the child for all the world to meet.
This simple young maiden, Mary by name, accepted the task through trust,
Though the task seemed hidden, she knew her path, a careful, True trust,
To ease the burden of earthly folk, and to give to them, one and all,
A Hope far greater than any known since the first, the only tragic fall.
The Christ child, Jesus by name, would bear the 'un-bearable' load,
Coming to bring love, to guide us on the long, hard dusty road.
The message, simple... the theme, clear... to man on the way,
To nurture, to strengthen, to enable all to follow by night... and by day.
He gave His Creation a hard path to walk, o'er broken, torn flesh,
There was no other road to follow, none for journeys to mesh.
He who wore the crown on bleeding brow could stumble, yet... not fall...
The gift of a crown, nourished, prospered to bring healing life... for all.
Bill Childers
Copyright : December 1982