ad Dei GloriamMinistries

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Thank You for Supporting ad Dei Gloriam Ministries

As we stated elsewhere, we are not currently soliciting monetary donations.  By the Grace of God, we are able keep expenses low enough that we are able to fund the ministry from our private resources.  We would love to do this full-time, but believe God wants us to be salt and light on our jobs for now.

Remember when God told Abraham to leave his country and go to a land that He would show him.  I’m not trying to compare building a website with leaving your home for a foreign land, just stating that I felt led to start this ministry, but God is still revealing how He ultimately wants to use it.  He continues to guide us one step at a time , and has detoured us from our own plans many times, but always for the best.  We won’t begin soliciting monetary donations until we receive a clear calling, and even then, never at the expense of the local church, which should be our primary focus in our giving.

That said, here’s how you can help:

The most important thing you can do for us is pray.  If the apostle Paul felt the need to constantly ask for prayer, how much more do we?

Next, we’d love to hear from you (see our contact info below).  It is greatly encouraging to receive your comments, suggestions, or just a short note to let us know you visited our site.

Please email your friends and tell them about our site.  If you see an article or study that you like, please blog about it and/or link to it.  This helps us get the word out to more people.  Also, if you participate in any forums, discussions or answer sites, please feel free to cut and paste information from our articles.  Once again, please include a link to the appropriate page.

Finally, you can support us by purchasing items through our Resource Shop.  For example, anytime you wish to buy anything from Amazon, please "click through" the banner on our site.  This costs you nothing extra, but we receive a small percentage of each purchase (this includes anything you buy, not just any featured products shown in our store).  Our commissions are paid in "store credit", so your purchase allows us to obtain additional study materials for our ministry.  Even if you already have an account with any of our affiliates, you can still help support us by following a link from our site to make your purchase.  Please contact us if you have any questions or need any assistance or recommendations.

Once again, thank you very much for your support.



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