ad Dei GloriamMinistries

Home > What's New > Update Log 2007

Update Log 2007

This page contains a log of our site updates for the year 2007.

 2007 Updates

12/24/07 Added many links to articles on our Culture Page.
12/23/07 Added the Bible Overview Page to our Bible Study Guide Section.  Contains a brief summary of the Old and New Testament plus Intertestamental history.
12/22/07 Loaded the Genre Interpretation page, a part of our Bible Interpretation Guide.  How to interpret the various types of literature in the Bible.  Content on the various literary types are in progress.
12/14/07 Added The Legend of the Brass Swan, a love story in rhyme, in the Poetry section.
12/12/07 New scripts have been uploaded for the Online Bible.   This will provide a more standardized display, particularly for those with limited installed fonts.  Books have also been re-formatted for faster loading for those who access us via dial-up.
12/04/07 Added The Real Meaning of Christmas article.
11/21/07 Split the various Bible Reading Plans into multiple pages for faster loading and ease of navigation and printing.
11/17/07 Converted the Four Gospels, Acts and the Psalms of the Online Bible to the new scripts and  re-formatted for faster loading, particularly for those who access us via dial-up. 
11/16/07 Added Judge or Judge Not, Four Chapters from "The Sermon on the Mount" by AW Pink to the Bible Commentary Plus Section.
11/03/07 Created and loaded Bible Commentary Plus Section, which will contain a variety of Biblical writings including Articles, Expository Study Notes, Questions and Answers on Difficult Passages, Word Studies, Maps and Charts, Application, and more.  We'll also include some literature from a few giants of the faith.
11/03/07 Created and loaded Theology Section, which will contain Theological Writings arranged by major doctrine.  We'll also included some classic discourses from theologians throughout history. 
11/03/07 Created and loaded Topical Index  Section, an alphabetical index of the key words in our writings so that subjects may be researched quickly.   Has since been replace by our Site Search Engine.
11/03/07 Created and loaded Cultural Issues  Section, keeping Christians informed on the current issues.
10/27/07 Reformatted the Site Map Page for easier navigation.
10/21/07 Added the Speaking of Friends... and Love... not War Chapter to the Poetry Section.
10/16/07 Added Poems about Life - Pages 3 & 4 to the Poetry Section.
10/13/07 Added new "Life and Family" poems to the Poetry Section.
10/11/07 Added explanations of the various Theological Disciplines to the Why Study Theology article.
10/08/07 Wrote new style sheets for the Online Bible.   This will provide a more standardized display, particularly for those with limited installed fonts.  We'll add the new styles to each book concurrently with re-formatting for faster loading for those who access us via dial-up.  The Gospel of Mark has been converted.  We hope to complete and re-load the others over the next two or three months.
10/01/07 Split the Westminster Larger Catechism into 3 pages for faster loading and easier navigation.
09/28/07 Added about 15 new terms to the Biblical and Theological Dictionary Section.
09/27/07 Added new "Life and Family" poems to the Poetry Section.
09/26/07 Added Private Interpretation and Anointing, a commentary on Luke 14:16-21, as as it pertains to our Judeo and Reformed Christian Heritage, in the "Reformed" section of the Bible Commentary Section.
09/22/07 Added "Scope" and "How to Approach Bible Study", and expanded the "Context" section of the Bible Interpretation page.
09/22/07 Added Nativity pics to Photos page.
09/12/07 Added "Basic Rules of Hermeneutics" to Bible Interpretation page.
09/10/07 Added quotes from D James Kennedy to article on Death.  Added "Theology guarantees answers to our prayers" to Why Study Theology article.
09/07/07 Added The Person of the Holy Spirit (with a Brief Introduction to the Trinity) to the Studies and Articles Section.
08/29/07 Added the Biblical and Theological Dictionary Section.
08/24/07 Added several new Life and Religious poems to the Poetry Section.
08/18/07 Added the "Skull of Death" artwork and article on "What the Bible says about Alcohol and Drugs".
08/12/07 Added New Testament Books at a Glance to the Bible Study Guide.  A quick overview of each book.
08/11/07 Added Old Testament Books at a Glance to the Bible Study Guide.  A quick overview of each book.
08/06/07 Added Bible Book Interpretation pages to the Bible Study Guide.  Content is in progress.
08/01/07 Added stories to the Stories and Illustrations Section.
08/01/07 Added a few pages to the Artwork Section.
07/28/07 Added Girls page to the Artwork Section.
07/28/07 Added new military poems to the Poetry Section.
07/27/07 Added "The Missionary", story of Henry Morrison to the Stories and Illustrations section.
07/25/07 Added a few jokes to the Humor section.
07/25/07 Added the What's New section and began logging site updates.
 Note: No logging of updates prior to 7/25/07
12/25/06 Created the Ad Dei Gloriam Ministries Website.

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