Welcome to
ad Dei Gloriam Ministries
The primary three-fold purpose of our ministry is to bring glory to God by promoting Bible literacy, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, and positively impacting our culture by promoting a Biblical world and life view.
We are an education-oriented ministry, attempting to edify and equip Christians by providing Biblical studies and commentary, theology, classical Christian literature, apologetics, Bible reading plans, family-friendly articles, history, religious and cultural articles, a blog, and many other features, all from a Biblical Christian world and life view. We hope that everything we do is to the glory of God (1Cor 10:31).
Our 19th Year of Ministry
Featured Studies, Articles & Alerts
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making
everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are
trustworthy and true”. (Rev 21:5)
Wishing Everyone a very Happy New Year!
Bible Reading Plans
New Years Resolutions of Jonathon Edwards
Spiritual Health Checklist
Pressing On...
Completed the Introductions to each Book and
Section of the
Holy Bible
Introduction to the Sequel to Jonah:
Book of Nahum
Introduction to the
Book of Micah
Introductions to Paul’s “Sister Epistles” of
Colossians and Ephesians
The Hypostatic Union
How Can a Man be God?
Our Recent Blog Post that was Banned from Facebook:
The Accidental Prophet
What was Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh?
Can a Believer Lose His or Her Salvation?
Truth in a Postmodern World
Introduction to the
Book of Hosea
Introduction to the
First Epistle to the Corinthians
- Introduction to the
Second Epistle to the Corinthians
- Introduction to the
First Epistle to the Thessalonians
Introduction to the
Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
Introduction to the
Book of Hebrews
Interpretive Challenges in the Book of Hebrews
Why Jesus Had to be Perfect
Jesus as the Perfect High Priest
James and Paul on Faith, Grace and Works
Do their Views Contradict?
Introduction to the
Book of James
Lord Teach Us to Pray
The Model Prayer According to Jesus
The Day of the Lord
Updated and Expanded
- The Book of Psalms
An Introduction - The Book of Habakkuk
Forefather of the Reformation - The Book of Amos
True Social Justice
- The Book of Proverbs
An Introduction - Jonah and the Big Fish
Historical Narrative or the Tallest Fish Story Ever? - Jonah and the Big Fish - Part 2
Additional Questions and Answers
The Book of Joel
The Book of Zephaniah
Day of the Lord
Establishing a Biblical Timeline
Historical Calendar Systems
- The Prophecies of Daniel
Interpretations and Fulfillment of the Visions
- The Book of the
Four Interpretive Views
What We Believe
- Hebrew Feasts and Festivals
An Introduction to the Jewish Holy Days
- Introduction to the
Book of the Prophet Jonah
Revised and Updated:
How to Know for Sure that You’re Going to Heaven
Online Bible in Modern English
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